10 Awesome Things To Do With The Children This Easter


Easter has always been a fun holiday, especially for the children and seeing their faces when they wake up to finding chocolate eggs throughout the house, but does all the fun really have to end there? Why not have some family fun throughout the days leading up to Easter, whether this be going to the park or doing things that actually involve Easter. If you’re looking more into things that involve Easter, why not check out this list of things that you can all do as a family that are Easter-inspired.

Easter Banquet

Making an Easter banquet can be fun for children, as it would include having friends and family over to join in with the Easter fun. By making Easter-inspired treats, this can not only make it more enjoyable for the children, but will also make it look more like it is Easter.

By spreading hummus on rice crackers and positioning olives to look as if they are eyes and a nose, and cutting fine carrot sticks to make it looks as if the rice crackers have whiskers and having cucumber ovals as ears, this can make it look as if it really is Easter in your home.


Easter Bracelets

If your children are into making bracelets, why not get a few different colors of 3mm thick felt together and cut out 2cm tall egg shapes. Decorate the eggs with beads and embroidery. Once decorated, use a thick embroidery thread to thread it through the egg followed by a wooden bead. Repeat this process until the bracelet is long enough to fit around your wrist.

Easter Story With Your Family In It

If you’re looking for something to include the whole family in, why not write a family story together. Start by jotting down a sentence to begin the family adventure, include details such as your family and friends’ names, include your routine, what your children have done throughout the year and love to do. Don’t forget to ask your children to draw pictures to match the story, this can make it more enjoyable for them

Hunt For The Easter Treasure Game

Easter hunts have always been a tradition and have always been fun, but making your own things with clay and decorating them, then having the children look for the clay objects can be even more fun, and could maybe turn into a family tradition.

Easter Headband Parade

By cutting some felt 25cm long and 8cm in width, and letting the children decorate it with felt bunnies, flowers, eggs etc. then stapling the ends together.

Want to make an awesome Easter headband for the children? Cut some felt 25cm long and 8cm in width, let the children decorate it with felt bunnies, flowers, eggs and then stapling the ends together.

Easter Candy Bag Cards

All you have to do to make these amazing Easter Candy Bag Cards is cut a rectangle from a colored piece of card big enough to cover a clear cellophane bag. Fold this in half, and then score the cardboard at 1cm and 2cm away from the fold on one side. Place the bag inside the cardboard, folding it in half on the original fold, then bend the top of the card over to seal. Using a hole punch, make two holes through the cardboard and cellophane bag, threading a colored ribbon through. Decorate the front of the cardboard with an Easter message, and then fill the bag with homemade cookies or yummy Easter treats.

Easter Egg Garden Bowling

By boiling eggs and having your children color them in with food dye, crayons or pencils and positioning a set of child-size bowling pins on the grass, have everyone take turn at rolling the eggs and trying to knock the pins down. This can make a great, fun day for the whole family.

Easter Games Day

Make some games for the family to play that include Easter word searches, crossword puzzles, and jigsaws. Why not spend some time with them and create your own board game!

Homemade Easter Bingo

If you’re looking to play some bingo for Easter, then here’s how to make your own board just for Easter. On a piece of colored card, draw up 9-square grids then fill the grids with different Easter-inspired words, such as Easter Egg, Rabbit, Bunnies, Hat Parade, Egg Hun, Nest, Chocolate, Lent, Spring, Fun, Feast, Boiled Eggs, Easter Tree, Rabbit Hutch and Chickens. Write all of the words used on the grids on a set of cards for the bingo caller, shuffle the cards and hand out the grids with counters or colored markers, then begin.

Make An Easter Tree

Get a bunch of twigs, leaves and other materials together and make an Easter tree from all of the materials collected. Hang some home-made eggs from the tree along with some nice iced gingerbread cookies in the shapes of eggs and bunnies, and this will make for a great display.
