How Do You Go On A No Carb Diet?


A few common mistakes have to be avoided if you want to follow a low carbohydrate diet. Time your carb intake wisely. Fat levels in your body have to be taken into consideration. Avoid eating processed food completely. Supplement intake must be planned wisely and hydration must be attention at all times. Ensure that at least 12 glasses of water is drunk every day. If you are ready to manage some discomfort then going on a no carb diet will get easier for you. Last of all, be prepared to be in it for the long haul, because weight loss will be consistent and gradual only if you stick to a low carb diet.

  • Is The Atkins Diet Good For You?

When there is the possibility of losing weight while you eat, then why not consider it. A great way to go is follow the Atkins Diet. This diet focuses more on high fibre vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins and is certainly good for you. Studies indicate that by following the Atkins Diet, millions of people have lost weight and it also helps lower cholesterol. In fact levels of HDL – good cholesterol and LDL – bad cholesterol do improve with this diet. Without feeling annoyed about counting calories and any other irritation of following any other diet, the Atkins Diet produces effective desired results.

  • What Is The Atkins 20?

There are four phases to the Atkins 20 Plan. In each phase a gradual increase in intake of carbohydrates is allowed. This way, for personal weight maintenance of weight loss management, an individual is able to find his or her own perfect balance in carbohydrate intake. Millions of people have lost weight by following the original Atkins Diet, indicate studies. The diet plan is not only simple but effective as well. Fat is burned down when intake of carbohydrates is controlled. Within just a few days, the person sees quick results and fit into clothing much smaller. According to the Atkins 20 Diet the person has to take meals every 2-3 hours so he or she is never hungry. Besides this without exercising at all, you can still lose weight. The Atkins 20 Diet is indeed a satisfying and delicious way to go achieve weight loss goals.

  • What Is The Atkins Diet All About?

It was in the year 1972 that Robert C. Atkins, a cardiologist, created a popular eating plan, the Atkins Diet, which is a low carbohydrate eating plan. While more emphasis is laid on fats and proteins, the diet restricts consumption of carbs. The diet plan has a number of phases to it, for weight maintenance and weight loss. The eating plan starts out with a very low carb diet.


An example of the Atkins Diet meal plan includes cheese and spinach omelet topped with salsa and avocado for breakfast. Atkins Advantage Vanilla Shake is an excellent snack item in the diet plan. For lunch you can have Roast Chicken Stir Fry. For a snack again you can have Mozzarella String Cheese. For dinner you can have Atkins Frozen Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo and a Salad. With the Atkins 20 Diet Plan, the starting point is consuming 20 grams of net carbs per day. Gradually, carb intake is to be increased but just one food item at a time. As you approach the weight loss goals, lots of whole grains, veggies and fruits can be added to the diet.
