Simple Ways To Treat Pimples At Home


Pimples are the most common skin disorders witnessed in teenagers. Almost all of us experienced them at least once in the life. In most children pimples are not at all a serious problem but for others it is. Some children experience continuous popping of the pimples on their face, back, chest and shoulders. It needs to be treated properly and if possible with home remedies.

What Are Pimples?

Pimples are nothing but the inflammation of the skin that is caused due to the attack of bacteria on the oil glands (sebaceous glands). Such bacteria infect the skin and make the skin to swell up by forming a puss inside. The teenagers experiences popping up of pimples, due to the excess secretion of sebum by the oil glands. Generally, pimples pop ups during their puberty stage when these children undergo with lot of hormonal changes. It is not that pimples pop up only on the face, but in many children they also pop ups on the neck, back and shoulder.

Accepted, pimples arrive due to skin disorders, but they are not a critical one. Well, there presence makes the teenager look very poor and miserable in appearance. So, it is necessary to understand the causes, symptoms and various treatments available to treat pimples.


Why Pimples Pop Ups?

Here are some common causes of pimples:

  • Pimples are generally seen on the face, neck, back and shoulders of a teenager when he or she experiences increase in the sex hormones and androgen
  • Pimples are hereditary too
  • Dirt causes pimples in men and women
  • Too much consumption of the oily and junk food gives rise to pimples especially in teenage
  • Overuse of cosmetics on the face and inadequate cleansing of the cosmetics causes attack of pimples on the neck and face
  • The dead skin that gets accumulated and the overgrowth of the bacterial tissues in the body are yet another reasons for pimples
  • And in some children pressure on the face due to use of helmet straps can cause pimples

Indications For Pimples

Well, there are no specific symptoms so that you can predict that you are going to get the pimples. Still, here are some important symptoms most teenagers experience:

  • Scaly red skin
  • Reddish tiny bubbles on the face and on the neck
  • Scarring of the skin
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Some pimples carry fluid or puss inside while some pimples not

Remedies To Wave Off Pimples Through Home Measures

Let us discuss on the home remedies to treat pimples easily, economically and safely!


Turmeric is loaded with antiseptic properties that can fight with the bacteria causing pimples and thus helps in reducing the production of the pimples on the skin. Here is easy formula for making turmeric pack to be applied on the infected skin.

Take a tablespoon of turmeric powder and mix it with the few drops of water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the infected areas and let it rest for few minutes. Then rinse the skin with cold water. Apply the paste at least once daily. Within a week or so, you will experience effectively reduction of pimples.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and thus help in drying out the pimples easily. This is one of the quickest remedy to treat the pimples.

Squeeze the lemon and collect 2 tablespoon of lemon juice. Take cotton ball and dab a lemon juice on it. Now apply the juice on the pimples and leave it for half an hour and then wash off. Repeat the process at least three times a day for a week to experience reduced pimples.

Mint Leaves

Mints leaves ships the antiseptic properties and are very cool. Regular application of the mint leaves juice can work wonders on the pimples.

For this you need to take a bunch of fresh mint leaves and grind them into a rough paste. Squeeze the paste to have mint juice. Apply this juice over the infected area and leave it to rest overnight. Next morning wash the skin with cold water. Repeat the process for a week or so, pimples will get reduced.


Garlic is always there in our home. It is one of the most important medicinal super foods loaded with antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties. Garlic are best to heal pimples quickly.

Take a garlic clove and cut it into two pieces. Now apply the cut end of the garlic on the pimples and leave its juice on the pimples for five minutes. Then wash the skin with lukewarm water. You can repeat the process several times a day and can experience healing of pimples quickly. Along with applying it on the infected skin, you can eat one or two raw cloves daily that will help in purifying the blood and ultimately reducing the pimples.

Honey And Cinnamon Powder

Honey is rich source of antibiotics that helps healing the pimples and several other disorders. Just take some drops of honey on a cotton ball and apply generously on the pimples. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash the skin with lukewarm water. Repeat the process for three times a day at least a week to have positive results.

Or you can add freshly ground cinnamon powder and lemon juice in honey to make a paste. Apply it on the pimple, leave for 15 minutes and the rinse with lukewarm water. You will experience reduced infection of pimples in a week.

Ice Pack

One more effective remedy for pimples is ice. Ice removes the oil and dirt from the skin and helps in blood circulation.

Take ice cubes and wrap them in clean cotton cloth. Now hold it on the pimples for new minutes. Repeat the process three to four time and within a week you will experience the positive results.


Steam has power to heal the pimples. Steams are the wonderful for kicking off the pimples. Regular steaming helps to open up the pores of the skin and skin can breathe freely. The bacteria, dirt and oil trapped on and in the skin get removed and your skin becomes pimple free.

Fill the steam tub with hot water and allow the steam to contact with your face and other infected areas. Take steam for few minutes and then rinse the face with lukewarm water and pat it dry. Follow the process at least twice a day. Within a week you will experience reduced pimples and glowing skin.


Toothpaste is proved to be effective on treating the pimples. Apply the white toothpaste on the infected area and rest it at least an hour on the skin. Wash the skin with water and you will find it effective.

Orange Peels

Orange peels are excellent to treat pimples. Grind the dried orange peels or you can even take fresh peels. Add drops of water to make a fine paste and apply it on the affected areas. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse it off. Experience the positive results with regular application of the orange peel pack.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is one of the cool vegetable that offers positive results on healing the pimples. Just slice the cucumber and soak in the drinking water for an hour. Strain the cucumber and drink the water.

Here is one more application of cucumber. Grind the cucumber into a smooth paste. Add few drops of lemon juice and honey for quick results. Apply the paste on the face as a mask and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat the process one or two times daily in a week and enjoy pimple-free skin.


Rich in antioxidants, papaya helps in reducing the inflammation of the pimples. Take raw papaya and crust it in the blender. Either apply the paste on the face or squeeze the paste to extract juice and then apply it on the affected area. Leave the pack for 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are loaded with natural antioxidants and helps greatly for healing the pimple scars on the skin. Cut the tomatoes and take a juice coming out. Apply it on the pimples, hold for 5 minutes and then rinse off. Repeat the process twice a day for four to five days to remove the pimples effectively.

Neem Leaves Paste

Neem leaves possess superb antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Take a juice of neem leaves and add a tablespoon of turmeric powder and then mix well. Apply the pack on the pimples and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off and repeat the process once every day to get rid of the pimples.

Egg White Face Mask

Take egg white foam and apply it on the pimples. Leave the paste for 15 minutes and then rinse off. Repeat the process every day to see visible results soon.

These are all home remedies and can be tried on pimples without any worry. They do not leave any negative signs but will helps in heeling the pimples effectively.
