What is a canker sore?

Canker Sores are shallow, small ulcers that appear in the mouth. They often make talking and eating uncomfortable. Simple Canker Sores and Complex Canker...

What is the cause of angular cheilitis?

Angular Cheilitis also known as Perleche or Stomatitis causes red swollen patches in the corners on any one or both sides of the mouth....

What causes Keshan Disease?

Keshan Disease is a deficiency of Selenium causing damage to muscles of the heart. Selenium is a key component in tissue protection and tissue...

What is the cause of scurvy?

Scurvy is a disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C also called as Ascorbic Acid. In the 15th and 18th centuries, the disease was...

What Causes Anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is a life threatening and serious allergic reaction. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to medications, stings of insects and foods. In cases...

What is the Baritosis ?

Baritosis is an extremely rare condition in which the lungs are affected. This benign condition results from inhaling barium sulfate that contains compounds and...

What are the signs and symptoms of Fabry disease?

Fabry is a genetic rare disease which a person could inherit from parents. It is a progressive disease that can be threatening to life....

What disease is caused by hookworms?

Hookworm is an infection of intestines caused by a parasite called hookworm. It is through hookdworm larvae and eggs found in dirt contaminated feces...

What are the causes of Hypochloremia?

What are the causes of Hypochloremia? Hypochloremia is an imbalance of electrolyte in the body. When the chloride electrolyte amount in the body becomes low...

How do you get ascariasis?

Ascariasis is an infection of the small intestine. Ascariasis Lumbricoides is a parasitic roundworm that causes a disease called Ascariasis. Roundworms are a kind of...