Are There Any Free Rehab Centers?


Funds for alcohol and drug rehabilitation are provided by most states through public substance abuse centers or mental health centres. Any addict without income or insurance can access the state funded rehabilitation centers. Clients or the addict has to prove legal residence in the country to take benefit of the rehabilitation centre. To contact the right state agency for substance abuse service, search has to be conducted with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Before enrolling, the addict must be ready to provide details of insurance taken, income earned and need for financial support. Some individuals living in poverty, a drug rehab may prove to be expensive.

The good thing is that public assistance and free rehab centers do exist. All that it needs is some effort to identify the right free public assistance and rehab center. Recovery at little or no cost at all to the individual is possible at the rehab centers. Treatment cost may be defrayed or it may get covered by another entity altogether. A search tool is available online to find a treatment center close by depending upon address of the individual. A most of the free rehab centers, proof of legal residence in the country and state, lack of insurance and income, status of addiction and need for intervention has to be proved.

  • How Does Rehab Help Drug Addicts?

To get rid of drugs in the body, the drug addict patient needs to undergo a detoxification process. Addictive substances get eliminated from the body of the patient. Attitude towards drugs changes with the help of treatment facilities at the rehab center. Some drug addicts may deny having any kind of drug addiction and may feel that the drugs they take are not harmful at all. To help a person recover from mental and physical illnesses, injuries and addictions, a rehab or rehabilitation proves to be very useful. Most drug rehabs offer all the additional assistance and care needed to help people get rid of drug habits. If a patient is desirous of getting rid or change addictive habits then a drug rehab proves to be very effective. Patients are also free to discontinue treatment anytime they want but facilities at the drug rehab are so good that patients change their behavior, are prepared to re-enter society, start healthy and normal lives. To make patients feel more comfortable there are also age or gender specific drug rehab facilities besides others that help out patients with specific or broad range of drug addiction services. Right from basic treatment to luxury treatment services can be availed at the drug rehab centers. Only if the patient truly desires to take treatment then, the services are effective enough otherwise patients are free to leave, anytime they wish.

  • How Much Does It Cost To Go To Rehab?

Various factors determine the cost of a rehab program. Factors like type of treatment needed, location and duration of stay the costs will vary. If it is an inpatient the cost can vary anywhere from 2000 dollars to 25000 dollars for a month’s program. In the case of outpatients the cost can vary from free to 10000 dollars approx.


Size of the drug rehab program and type of treatments offered including different options for therapy, medication assisted treatment, detoxification and comprehensive aftercare, amenities offered at the rehab and length of the program are also important factors that determine cost of the drug rehab program. Some patients may need luxury amenities, advanced treatment, etc depending upon which the rehab treatment costs will vary.

A great way to start is to gather information about different rehab facilities from specialist offering rehab placement. This way you will be able to find the best treatment for the drug addiction while staying within your budget as well. No-cost rehab centers are also accessible to those having not enough money or insurance for quality treatment. Sliding scale fees or free treatment is offered to patients not having health insurance.

  • How Much Does It Cost To Detox From Alcohol?

The cost to detox from alcohol will depend largely on the type of services needed. The patient may have to pay 500 to 650 dollars per day for residential care or medical detox. Approx 350 to 450 dollars may be required for partial hospitalization while 250 to 350 dollars may be needed for outpatient care. As compared to an outpatient, costs to detox an inpatient are typically more. Costs like intensive monitoring for 24 hours, board and room costs make treatment for an inpatient more expensive. Publicly funded detox clinics are less expensive than private detox clinics. Alcohol detox cost will be more if pharmacotherapy including intravenous fluids and medications are involved. Approximately 3-15 days may be needed for an alcohol detox and alcohol withdrawal. Final costs will be impacted greatly with time length the patient has to spend at the detox facility. For those looking for a low cost detox, non-profit and government groups prove to be the best solutions. Also certain states do offer no cost alcohol detox programs, but you must know where to search. Assistance can be obtained from the local county.
