The year 2019 started on a terrific note for Tamannaah when F2 opened to a good response at tthe box office and received rave reviews from the target audience. The film, featuring Venkatesh and the ‘Mega Prince’ Varun Tej in the lead roles, emerged as the big Sankranthi winner despite releasing alongside NTR Kathanayakudu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama and this created a great deal of buzz in the industry. In February, the ‘Milky Beauty’ tasted once again when Kanne Kalaimane opened to a good response at the box office and fared better than expected. Now, Tamannaah is in the limelight for a surprising reason.
‘I Would Marry Tamannaah’
In a surprising development, actress Shruti Haasan recently said that had she been a man she would have happily married Tamannaah as the Rebel beauty is ‘such a nice girl’.
” If I were a guy, who would I take out on a date, Tamannaah! Actually, if I were a man, I would marry Tammy. She is such a good girl, I won’t let her go easily,” she added.
Old Memories
As expected, this naughty yet innocent statement ruffled a few feathers while bringing back memories of a controversy involving the two ladies. In case you did not know, some years ago, Tamannaah and Shruti found themselves in an embarrassing situation when reports of them locking lips after a party began doing the rounds. Reacting to this issue, Tammy had said that the reports were ‘baseless’.