Other than humanity there is nothing in life – Make people aware this


“We used to work together and for months on end we shared nothing but a casual greeting once in a while. The first time we spoke was actually when I had a sprain in my leg, but was trying to put on a brave front and continuing to work. He came to me that time and said, ‘leave it, just sit down you’re in pain’. He did all my work for me that day and then took me to the park and bought me kulfi.”

“What did you talk about?”
“I asked her about her family and was so shocked when she told me that both her parents weren’t alive and she was working to support herself and her sister. Her respect in my eyes doubled up, because she seemed so happy all the time, but was facing so much on her own. She reminded me of a child with an innocent heart and I just wanted to take care of her. A few months later I told my parents I wanted to marry this girl but they were against her completely. I realised then that they wanted a few gifts from her family and wanted her parents to be there for the ceremony. I didn’t say anything then, but just went ahead and bought whatever they wanted from my own money. I think it was then that they knew, that she didn’t need any parents or family by her side…I was her family and that’s how they accepted us.”
