Russia-Ukraine crisis


Let’s cut right to the chase here: are we witnessing the prelude to World War 3?

Because let’s face it, that is what a lot of people are understandably asking and thinking in the light of the Kremlin’s recent actions over Ukraine – actions and statements that have triggered a deluge of denouncements and sanctions from the West.

No. As bad as the situation on the Russia-Ukraine border is right now, it does not currently involve a direct military confrontation between Nato and Russia.

In fact, when the US and Britain watched in dismay as Russia built up a force capable of invading Ukraine, they swiftly pulled out their small number of military trainers and advisers.


“That’s a world war when Americans and Russians start shooting at each other,” said US President Joe Biden earlier this month, vowing he would not deploy American troops to Ukraine under any circumstances.

But western leaders still fear Russia could be poised to make a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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