10 Tips To See Your Skin Glowing


Everyone secretly desires to get a flawless, beautiful and glowing skin. However pollution, consumption of unhealthy foods, no sun protection, improper methods of skin care etc can make skin look lifeless and dull. If a proper skin care regime is followed at home, it gets easier to attain beautiful skin. Here are some excellent 10 tips to see your skin glowing and that too the easy way.

Potato Face Mask

Take some pulp of potato, apply on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with plain water. Potato is a bleaching agent naturally and helps in giving skin a natural glow and lightens it.

Honey And Green Tea Water Face Pack


Mix 2 spoons rice flour, a spoonful of cooled green tea water and ½ tsp honey, mix, apply on skin and leave for 20 minutes. When it dries massage the pack into the skin in circular motions as this helps to even skin tone and remove dead skin cells. Wash off with water to attain smooth and fair skin. Green tea flushes out toxins and free radicals from skin, while honey moisturizes, improves texture and protects skin from bacteria.

Fuller’s Earth And Papaya Face Pack

Take 1 teaspoon Fuller’s Earth and papaya pulp each. Mix well to get paste of even consistency, apply on your face and leave it to dry. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes. Fuller’s Earth tones and cleanses skin, while the papain contained in the papaya rejuvenates, repairs and exfoliates skin and makes it smoother.

Tomato And Turmeric Face Pack

Take 1 tablespoon tomato juice and turmeric each, mix them in a bowl to get a nice smooth paste. Apply evenly on facial skin, leave for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Tomato is an excellent anti-aging agent, while lycopene contained in tomato offers protection against UV damage.

Dried Orange Peel And Yoghurt Face Pack

Take a tablespoon of unflavored and fresh yoghurt and few dried peels of orange. Grind the peels to powder form and mix it with yoghurt to attain a nice smooth paste. Apply on the face for around 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Vitamin C enriched orange is a great tonic for skin, while yoghurt helps fight discoloration of skin, helps skin glow, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and also moisturizes.

Saffron And Milk Face Pack

Saffron and milk face pack is also one of the best 10 tips to see your skin glowing. Take 2-3 teaspoons of raw and cold milk and soak a few strands of saffron in it for 3-4 hours. Then apply the mix to your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off best with lukewarm water. Saffron is effective in promoting healthier skin complexion.

Lemon And Turmeric Face Pack

Take 1 tablespoon of milk, lemon juice, turmeric and gram flour each and mix well into a smooth paste in a bowl. Apply the mix on your face and scrub for around 5 minutes. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Turmeric has antibacterial properties and smoothens the skin.

Lemon And Yoghurt Face Pack

Take 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a tablespoon of unflavored and fresh yoghurt. Mix it well, apply paste on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with cold water. Vitamin C enriched lemon brightens the skin, removes blemishes, improves overall texture of skin and protects skin from UV damage. Yoghurt too removes blemishes and moisturizes skin.

Honey, Lemon Juice And Milk Face Pack

Take 1 teaspoon honey, lemon juice and milk each. Mix the ingredients well to a smooth paste in a bowl. Apply on the face, leave for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Milk contains minerals, natural fats, proteins, calcium and magnesium and helps nourishing, toning and tightening of skin.

Lemon And Oats Face Pack

Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon cooked and mashed oats, mix and apply on face. Gently massage it into the skin and let dry for around 20 minutes. Wash well with cold water and pat dry. Vitamin C enriched lemon helps lighten skin tone while oats helps exfoliate, reduce inflammation and removes impurities from the skin.
