Fat Loss isn’t rocket science. It’s the crappy word of mouth and redundant fat loss methods that have made it a complex process. No wonder the ‘fat loss products’ market is worth billions and it’s only growing. Misinformation is rampant and a large number of people fall for it. Don’t be surprised when you realize that you were a victim of misinformation. Fat loss is not about doing just one thing- it’s a result of nutrition and a solid training program. Here are the mistakes you are making.
1) Doing Too Much Cardio (Stupid Distance Running)
For once and for all- cardio is NOT necessary for fat loss. Weight training coupled with HIIT is the silver bullet for fat loss. Hours of running will only elevate your stress hormone levels, make your body hoard energy in the form of fat, give you aching knees and make you skinny fat at best. You can’t achieve lasting fat loss by mindlessly running or cycling for hours. If you are fat and new to the gym, consult an intelligent trainer and get your weight training program in place. As you start noticing fat loss, incorporate small HIIT workouts.
2) Starving Or Following Stupid Detox Diets
Mindless long distance running is often coupled with an equally mindless approach towards nutrition. Under desperation, some people turn to completely stupid ‘detox’ salad and juice diets. A solid diet is an intelligent mix of all macro and micro nutrients which changes according to the progress made.
3) Cheating Too Much, Too Early
The concept of cheat meals is very misunderstood. People go all out and turn cheat meals into cheat days and things only go downhill from there. The concept of cheat meals is to replenish the glycogen stores in your body and keep the cravings away. It’s not to binge eat and ruin all the progress you have made thus far. If you are anywhere above 20% and following a program, you need to stay away from cheat meals for at least 90 days. The leaner you are the more cheat meals your body can afford.
4) Unsupervised Use Of Fat Burners
Simply put- fat burners will ruin your health completely. A lot of desperate people resort to fat burners and end up in hospitals. What’s worse is that in most cases, the consumption is bro-science driven. Fat burners, if not taken under proper guidance and at the right time, can severely drain out water and make you weak and even delusional.
5) Entirely Cutting Out Carbohydrates
It’s true that you will drop a lot of weight by completely eliminating carbohydrates from your diet. But, along with the weight will go your sanity as well. At least, for the first couple of weeks. You will feel depleted, weak and the muscles will look flatter. That’s because carbohydrates are a primary source of energy and sudden stoppage in its consumption will trick the brain. Always cut out the carbohydrates gradually, not suddenly.