Easy Ways To Combat Acne At Home


Two curses that annoy the skin are pimples and acne. Do you want to get rid of that dreadful acne fast? If yes and want to know how, then here are some easy ways to combat acne at home in the most natural and simple way. Getting rid of those ugly spots on your face, within 24 hours or so isn’t too difficult.

Aspirin Treatment

Aspirin is commonly found lying around in most homes. Take an aspirin powder it and add 3 parts water, to make a thick paste and apply it on the acne. The paste hardens after 30 minutes and flakes off, after which you can wipe it off with a face cloth or tissue.

Take A Dip In The Swimming Pool

Skin dries out with chlorine. Chlorinated water of the swimming pools can help dry out acne and get rid of them gradually. However ensure to prevent damage by moisturizing the skin properly after the swim.

Cool Down Acne With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known to be excellent in skin treatment. It helps eliminate oil from the skin, reduce redness caused on skin due to pimples and also reduces inflammation. It feels great to apply aloe vera peel on the skin. Slice it and apply on acne.



Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties. Puffy eyes are best to combat with cucumber slices. Take 2-3 teaspoons lemon juice, mix grated finely grated cucumber to it and apply for a 10-15 minutes on the acne. Then wash off thoroughly.


If you want to take care of acne quickly, then a good option is toothpaste. Toothpaste contains silica which helps in keeping the moisture out of skin. It dries out acne and helps reduce it within a few hours. Before sleeping, apply toothpaste on the affected area and wash off well in the morning.


A great way to open up pores on your skin is by steam treatment. To prevent clogging of pores, skin detoxification and moisturizing the skin, steam proves to be extremely helpful.

Try Out Lemon Treatment

Take some lemon juice and apply it with cotton over the acne, at bed time. Wash off your face as normal, in the morning. Inflammation caused due to acne calms down better due to citric-acid properties present in the lemon.

Avoid Popping

At times you may feel gratified and tempted to pop acne, but there couldn’t be anything worse than this. When you pop acne, bacteria will only spread to other pores on the skin, infect them and result in more acne.


Garlic is high in antioxidant content and proves to be one of the easy ways to combat acne at home. It can be included in regular diet to prevent acne breakouts in future and to purify blood. You can also peel one clove and rub it on the acne, several times in the course of the day and see immediate results.

Honey The Natural Antibiotic

A natural and effective antibiotic is honey. It is a perfect option for reducing acne and healing acne. It helps in removing excess impurities and dirt from the skin. Make a simple mask with a teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey. Mix well and apply on the acne. Let it set for 10-15 minutes and then wash off well with warm water
