Jordan, Russia And United States Reach A Ceasefire Deal For Southwest Syria


Russia, Jordan and Unites States, have finally reached a ‘de-escalation agreement’ and ceasefire in Southwestern Syria. In the 6 year old Civil War, one of the combat zones has been Southwestern Syria, stated Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State. Petra news agency and Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia stated that on July 9, the ceasefire will be going into effect. Announcement of the deal was made by Mr.Tillerson after the meeting in Hamburg, Germany between Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia and Donald Trump the U.S. President. Security of Jordan has been affected by area covered by the ceasefire and it is one of the most complicated parts of the battlefield in Syria. The agreement defines well on who will be securing the area. Some rebel groups fighting for the ouster are being supported by Washington while internationally Iran and Russian are the main backers of Bashar-al-Assad the Syrian President. Positive things have been predicted by Putin and Trump for Russia and US.

As per the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Britain, around half a million people have been killed in the conflict in Syria. Many more millions had no choice but to flee Syria. Tillerson stated that the Russia and U.S. will work hand in hand in Syria and put in efforts to des-escalate the areas there.

In early June, secret talks were held between Russia and United States to create a de-escalation zone in Western diplomats, southern Syria and Regional officials. The zone proposed for de-escalation was in Deraa Province on Jordan’s border and Quneitra, which borders Golan Heights, occupied by Israel, they stated. In last few months strikes by Syrian army have escalated in the Southwestern city of Deraa to first reach Jordan’s border and then wrest full control over it.
