Poland’s First Lady Ignores Donald Trumps Handshake And It Has Gone Viral


First Lady of Poland avoids US President, Donald Trump’s handshake. Avoiding him she marched straight to the FLOTUS. One thing Trump is famous for, is his handshakes. Even when the US President doesn’t do it people and greets and meets his dignitaries, Netizens are always alert on knowing about it.

When Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany visited him to the White House, he refused to shake hands with her and this news hit international headlines. Another incident that cannot be forgotten is the infamous handshake with Shinzo Abe the Prime Minister of Japan. A series of memes got inspired with that infamous handshake.

When Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda visited the POTUS she declined to shakes hands with Trump. This is yet one more handshake ‘debacle’ and the footage is going viral, unsurprisingly. This clip is definitely a small one, but is clearly shows how Poland’s First Lady ignored Trump’s handshake and proceeded to shake hands with US First Lady, Melania Trump. The footage shows Trump extending his hand for a handshake with Poland’s First Lady, but she ignores it, out-rightly. However it is difficult to ignore the visible discomfort Trump was experiencing, when Poland’s First Lady came back to greet the POTUS. Currently Trump and FLOTUS are on a State visit to Poland. This awkward moment occurred on 6th July 2017, in Warsaw Poland where Poland’s state leaders met Trump and POTUS.
