The promo of Priyanka Chopra’s American television show received a lot of praise and, as expected, she received an overwhelming response. However, when she was questioned in a ‘Miss Malini’ interview about her stint with Hollywood, she bared her heart, revealing something heart-wrenching.
Here are some of the excerpts from the interview:
When Priyanka Chopra decided to begin her international stint, she already knew the stereotypes about Indian people.
“My tryst with the international world has been very personal for me. When I went to school in America, there were a lot of stereotypes attached to Indian people. I was bullied a lot. I witnessed a lot of racism and that’s exactly why I came back to India. I was 16 years old. I was called a ‘Brownie’ and some even told me, “Go back to where you came from.”
She added that Indians were always represented in a particular way.
“We all don’t smell of curry. We all are not ugly-looking nerds, who are shy and always keep sitting behind their computers. Yes, we are very proud of our big families but that doesn’t mean ki har gaadi mein se 15 log bahar niklenge. In global pop-culture, we are always represented like that. I wanted to break that.”
So when she was approached by ABC network to play a significant role in an American series, she wanted to break stereotypes.
“I never thought of doing anything with them in terms of acting because I was only getting offers to play the Indian princess, some exotic looking snake-charmer or some hypnotizing lady. I never wanted to be restricted to such typical avatars. But it annoys me when my country is seen as only that much in global entertainment.
I play an American girl and I have an American accent. My mother’s character on the show has an Indian accent. I think it’s high time that Indians are given the recognition for our talent and not because of our Yoga and things like that. Doing Quantico has been a very personal experience for me. If the show is successful and if I am good in it, it will definitely make a dent in Indian actors being taken seriously.”
We are proud of you, Priyanka!
Photo: © Grazia (Main Image)
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