10 Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have


Sex offers endless possibilities. If you think you’ve done it all, read ahead. Not just positions, but sex has different moods too. There are infinite ways to revive your sex life. Changing the kind of sex you usually have with your girl is one. Explore intimacy to a whole new level with these 10 kinds of sex.

Vacation Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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It’s the start of the year – make it hot! Go on a vacation, book a fancy hotel and get dirty with your girl. You two would be on your own with nobody around – do it wherever you want, however you want to. If it’s a famous place – even better! You’re going to remember it all your life.

Make-Up Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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You’ve heard it before but have you ever really tried it? Arguments are said to get your adrenaline pumping. Let the sexual tension take over while arguing and take the matters between the sheets. Not only will the sex feel much more passionate than usual, it will also help you get over the disagreement.

Rough Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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It’s your wildest fantasy, we know. It’s time to make it happen in real. A little aggression in bed will heat things up between you and your partner. Re-define passion with a hot session of raunchy, wild sex. Bring out all your animal instincts. Do the unexpected and do it well.

Lazy Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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If wild is your style, you must try having lazy sex every once in a while. Intimacy shouldn’t always feel like wrestling. Snuggle up to your girl when she’s asleep and take it slow, very slow.


Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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Sexual urges arrive at the most inconvenient of situations. Quickie is the best option in such a case. If you have guests in the drawing room, get in the bathroom for a quick hush-hush session. It’s crazy fun and amazingly satisfying.

Marathon Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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Take a day off and spend whole of it in bed with your girl. Break all previous records of the number of times you’ve had sex in a single day. Do it till you are completely spent.

Outdoor Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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Outdoor sex unravels a whole new side to sex. Your bed can never offer the excitement that your lawn can. Additionally, the chances of someone walking in on you make it even more thrilling.

Loud Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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Let go of yourself this one time. Have some noisy sex. Moan loudly, talk dirty and tell her all your fantasies. Don’t be shy. Get crazy and make it the best sex session ever.

Role-Play Sex

Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

Photographer: Bibhuti Bhattacharya

Ever man has fantasies. Make them true. Enact out roles that turn you on. Pretend you’re strangers meeting at a bar and take on new and fascinating personalities. Let the flirting make way for some hot sex.


Kinds Of Sex That Every Man Must Have

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We know most of you think of it but can never gather the courage to introduce the concept to your bed. Talk it out with your girl. Let her be the dominatrix for once. A woman pouncing on you and taking all the control with a whip in her hand can be extremely sexy.
