7 Reasons Why Your Long Distance Friendship Is The Strongest Bond You Have


Friends are the family we choose and while the group of friends close home is always there for us, there is a special place in our lives for that special friend who is separated by distance but close to the heart. We list out 7 prime reasons why that long distance friend is also the strongest bond in your life:

1. Reunions Are Basically A Festival


It doesn’t matter if your long distance bestie is visiting you next Friday, in September or next year. The moment you guys have an official ‘date’ for the journey back home, you make castles in the air about the humungous plans you need to accomplish with them, even though eventually you would land up drinking the night away, talking about the world and its people. Who cares if you didn’t stick to any plan, the company is what you cherish.

2. You Grow Together, Not Apart



Every time you see your long distance friend, something has changed for both of you. It could be a new relationship, a new job, enhanced physical appearance or maybe just change of opinions and preferences. What does not change is the bond you share. You accept the fact that even though you cannot control the everyday life changes in each other’s lives, but the consistency of being the same to each other helps you test the waters every time.

3. Honesty Comes Naturally To You


Long distance friends are secret vaults where you can pour your heart and soul without the fear of unpredictable consequences or harsh judgements. They literally keep your stuff safe, because they are far away.

4. They Are More Reliable Than Most Friends Around


The fact that you both lead a busy life is well established and hence there is no primary expectation of calling every day or constantly being in touch. You can go days without talking and the confidence in them will never waiver. You pick up right from where you left. They are there when it counts the most.

5. Long Distance Is Synonymous To Long Term


If your friendship is surviving the distance, then you can survive anything together. Long distance friends are proof that our patience, acceptability and love are all headstrong for that ‘far away’ loved one.

6. There Are No Insecurities About The ‘Other’ People


Both of you have other friends and people who hang out with you often. Most friendships require a reassurance of the fact that people still matter to you, and you are judged if you choose to go out with someone new. Long distance friendships never face that flak. You never have to confirm their ranking in your life.

7. They Are Omnipresent In Your Life


Even though not physically, they are always with you in spirit. All your friends know about that one ‘special’ far land friend you keep talking about. They know what you are up to courtesy your Face book updates and constant snapchats.

If measured in distance they are far away, but in our hearts, forever they stay.

Photo: © Eros International (Main Image)
