Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them


We agree that scantily clad women are a treat to the eyes. But what we find really irresistible are the little sensual things that they do without even realising. We ran a small survey at our very own workplace as to what is it that attracted most men and the answers were pretty surprising, and yet convincing. You see her do these little things every day, but take them for granted more often than not. It’s those innocent acts more than the overtly sexual ones that we men find most irresistible in women. Read on to agree with us!

The Tight-Jeans-Wearing Dance

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

This is something that you women do every day, and you probably see her doing this every morning while she’s trying to rush through her getting-ready-for-office regime. While she might take this act for granted, you should think about it. Seeing her wriggle into her too-tight jeans and doing the little dance can be quite amazing. Sensually cute, actually!

Stretching In Front Of You

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

A slow stretch, cranking her neck at an unexpected place, an unexpected hour is all you need to feel, erm, slightly excited. Stretching arms up in the air is actually pretty high up in the list of things that we find irresistible. If your girl is into yoga, you would probably know better.

Flipping Her Hair

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

Thanks to movies, by now you already know that this is the most commonplace gesture of a woman that is known to entice men. But the truth is that it is indeed very, very seductive and hence, works every bloody time. The way she flips her hair is also indicative of how much she wants your attention. Now, you can’t say no to such a thing!


Biting Her Lips

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

Now this is a kind of gesture that has had kings go to war with each other. If you are observant enough, you find women do this all the time. And trust us, it is to die for. The famous lip bite is that one unconscious gesture that can easily make our hearts melt.

The Way She Walks

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

Well, we surely know that hips don’t lie! The way they sway and move while walking can turn us into poets. Okay, maybe not, but we definitely can’t take our eyes off them when they move their hips and strut doing a catwalk. In heels? Even better!

Wearing Our Shirts

Irresistible Things Women Do That Make Us Fall For Them

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is sexier than finding your girl wearing your shirt. Now you can’t look like a dime if you even attempt wearing her tube dress (even after a waxed chest), but she is sure to look like a million dollars in that shirt of yours. What follows next is we all know.

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